I think it is probably time that I catch up on my posts. I am so far behind. The days just keep flying by! Here are some pictures from our trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan. We enjoyed our family time immensely and loved being able to bond with our niece, Marley, and nephew, Gavin. We are so far away from one another on the map so, every minute truly counted. We loved watching our little guy being loved on by his grandparents and seeing him interact with his cousins.
Nathanael and Gavin

Playing with Marley

These little ones are only one week apart in age!

Gavin is so cuddly.

We walked to the park one day.
There is so much within walking distance to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Silly Gavin

Interested in Uncle Phil



Marley and Grandma

Woah! What is this? A slide?

Conversations with Grandpa

Our little family of three took our own adventure while in Michigan and went to the Upper Peninsula. We went to Mackinac Island for a night and enjoyed such beautiful scenery.

Nathanael’s first boat ride!
He has now been on a plane and a boat!
He is so adventurous.

No cars on this island.
Just horses, carriages, and bikes!

We stayed at this little bed and breakfast, Harbour View Inn.

…getting read for a carriage tour of the island.

Isn’t he so sweet smiling for the camera?
He is really smiling for his daddy. He loves him.

We explored a historical fort on the island.
Nathanael enjoyed the education.


…napping in our hotel.
He got the whole bed to himself.

…posing in spots around the main street.

Nathanael and his favorite gal, Mommy, on their way back to the main land.
We then drove to Traverse City where we met up with the family for two nights.

Here are the brothers together again and…with their sons!

…some fun at the Lake Michigan shore.
Afterwards, we went to a family friend’s cottage and enjoyed a boat ride and a BBQ by the water.
It was such a peaceful day!

…so sad. The life vest was a little much for my baby.

Aunt Kim is so much fun!!

…hanging out in pools without water is the new thing!
It kept the babies entertained for a long time. Haha.

Aren’t these such pretty pictures?
What a wonderful backyard these people have!

Uncle Paul, Aunt Kim, Marley and Gavin

Three generations of De Jong men.

Our family.
During our trip, we were able to spend some time with Phil’s extended family in Grand Haven, Michigan.

Nathanael LOVED the pool.
There was even a shallow end that he could stand up in.
So awesome!

…meeting his cousins, Maya and Gabe.

Cousin Betsy holding Nathanael.


Betsy and Phil

Grandma Sharon and her sister, Linda.

I love my boy!
Another one of our adventures included a tour of the May House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Beautiful windows.

Holding a heavy, sleeping boy throughout the tour.

Grandpa and Gavin

Daddy has bigger muscles than Mommy so, he took over.

…stopping for a picture in the garden.

Relaxing after the tour.

Aunt Kim and Marley create a wonderful photo.

He’s awake!
We enjoyed a lot of down time at Grandpa and Grandma’s house. It was nice to relax.

…they love their parents! 
Car rides and snoozes.
We also went to Meijers Gardens and explored the many gardens and art exhibits.

This guy loves playing with water!

…piggy back rides.
Marley, Aunt Kim, and Uncle Paul are picture perfect in this photo!

Little doors are the best.

I love my boys.
We make a little family.
I am blessed.

It was such an interesting place with a lot to see!
We decided to visit the nearby zoo. It was so quaint and cute.

Grandma and Grandpa stop for a picture with Nathanael.




…a mini safari ride.

This mommy is in love!



…feeding the birds.
Look at the one in flight! They all came at me at once.

Marley was so brave!

On the Fourth of July, we watched the Grand Rapids Show Skiers. Very cool! That afternoon we had a nice family dinner.
We were leaving the next day so it was a perfect end to our vacation.

We were sad to leave our loved ones but were grateful we got to spend so much time with them.
Looking forward to seeing them again.
Hopefully soon!
Michigan Trip
June – July 2013